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Your Own Sauerkraut

Brian Sipotz • March 30, 2017

Scary, I know.  But you can do it! Once you try Your Own Sauerkraut, you will be totally grossed out by the stuff in the bag at the grocery store.  This is a great time of year to to make it too. All you fellow Polish folks out there will appreciate having some homemade kraut on Easter!

This is a classic way to prepare cabbage, and it’s also one of the most healthful! Fermented veggies are one of the least popular preparations in the US, but they are very prevalent in Asian and Middle Eastern diets. Sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso are fairly mainstream, but outside of that we just don’t see much in terms of fermentation.

Fermenting 001: The addition of salt to the vegetable or brine preserves the food through lacto-fermentation. During this process, the bacteria that is on the surface of the cabbage is slowly converted to lactic acid in the salty solution. The solution allows beneficial bacteria to flourish (the same probiotics that are present in yogurt and kefir), and keeps out the gross ones. This means that anything submerged in the brine will ferment nicely, but anything above the liquid level is fair game for all those aerobic bacteria to start an art project on. These probiotics live in your intestinal track and affect your internal environment and overall health and wellbeing.

There are only 2 ingredients, and just 1 rule. The ingredients? Cabbage and salt.  The rule? Keep it submerged!

Ingredients :

1 medium head of cabbage- I like to use red cabbage because I like the color

1.5 Tbsp Kosher salt


2, 1-liter Mason jars (wide mouth preferred), or a fermenting crock

2 smaller jars that will fit inside the large jars. These smaller jars will be weighted with water, sand, rocks, etc. Anything that will give it some weight.

Directions :

  1. Chop the cabbage by hand or in a food processor. In a large bowl combine half the cabbage with half the salt and mix using your hands. Get a bit rough with it, squeezing and pushing the mixture a bit to get the cabbage to start releasing some of it’s liquid.  Repeat with the second half of the cabbage and salt, then let it all sit in the bowl for 15 minutes.
  2. After the cabbage has released some of its juice, use your hands and stuff it in the large jars, packing it down lightly as you go.  Pour the juice from the bowl into the jar.  Place the smaller jar on top of the cabbage to press it down. If there is not enough liquid to cover the cabbage after 1 day, then mix a tablespoon of salt in 1 quart of water and pour that brine into the large jar until the cabbage is covered.  Remember, the #1 rule is to keep the liquid level above the cabbage , so make sure the weight is keeping the cabbage pressed under the
  3. Cover the jar loosely with a lid or kitchen towel (pressure will build up as the fermentation occurs, so make sure the air can escape) and let it sit in a 65-75 degree area of your house, out of direct sunlight. Wait 3 days to 3 months, depending on how sour you like your kraut. It will be good for up to a year as long as it’s under the liquid!
March 29, 2022
So far I’ve introduced a little about the “non-diet” approach , as well as the Diet Cycle , which many people find themselves stuck in when using a restrictive “diet” approach to food and health. For some of those people, the idea of eating what they love and “giving up” on diet or weight loss doesn’t seem like an option, understandably. We face a LOT of pressure, day after day, to eat “clean” and lose weight. That pressure may come from well-intentioned family, friends, and healthcare professionals who are concerned about our health (more on that later); or from fear-inducing headlines that compare sugar to poison; or from photo-shopped & face-tuned ads on Instagram of celebrities selling their flat tummy tea or shapewear. We are surrounded by Diet Culture, and are forced to engage with it- no matter if it’s coming from our loved ones, acquaintances, coworkers, or even strangers. What exactly is Diet Culture? You might have an idea just from the sound of it... Messaging that promotes diet & weight loss. Right? It’s actually more than that. Here’s a definition from Aubrey Gordon, author of “What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat”: Diet Culture: “A system of cultural beliefs and practices that equates thinness not just with health, but with moral virtue, and which advocates for weight loss at any cost. Diet culture isn’t just a matter of being on a diet, but of the social forces that make dieting (or lifestyle changes or wellness) culturally mandatory for so many of us.” The key phrases are “moral virtue” and “weight loss at any cost”. Diet culture doesn’t only convince us that weight loss is necessary (to be beautiful, to demonstrate our worth, or to be healthy); but it creates this pressure that we are MORALLY obligated to do so. In order to be perceived as good, responsible people, Diet Culture urges us to pursue weight loss at any cost- which could mean sacrificing our social life, a significant amount of money on supplements or meal replacements or programs, our emotional wellbeing, and even our physical wellbeing. Maybe diet and weight loss aren’t so healthy after all… And while this may not be everyone’s experience, we have research that demonstrates the following emotional impacts of restrictive dieting: Dieting is associated with higher anxiety levels (Kwasnicka, 2020) Dieting is associated with poorer emotional and mental quality of life (Burns etal, 2001) Dieting is linked with reduced life satisfaction (Esch and Zullig, 2013) Further, restrictive dieting has actually been found to cause weight GAIN. To be clear, weight gain is nothing to be ashamed about (bodies change!); but if the multibillion dollar diet industry is selling a diet plan for weight loss, they’re not exactly being honest about the likely outcomes. 1⁄3 to 2⁄3 regained weight within 1 year, with almost all weight regained within 5 years (1992 NIH Consensus) Most weight is gained back within 2 years and most gained back all the weight by 5 years (2013 Australian Research Council) A team of UCLA researchers reviewed 31 long term studies on the effectiveness of dieting and concluded that dieting is a consistent predictor of weight gain —up to two-thirds of the people regained more weight than they lost (Mann 2007) This quote from Weight Watchers former Finance Director sums it up pretty well:
March 7, 2022
Good morning! Thank you to everyone who came out to Break the Diet Cycle presentation. I hope you’re starting today feeling curious about Intuitive Eating and eager to rediscover your favorite foods in a fresh, positive way. I attached the PDFs of the presentation for you to reference, as well as the “HAES (Health at Every Size) Manifesto”, by Dr. Lindo Bacon, author of Health at Every Size. This provides a snapshot of the science behind the weight neutral approach, Health at Every Size, which Intuitive Eating is aligned with. For those of you who couldn’t attend, you may be wondering- what exactly is Intuitive Eating? As I mentioned in an earlier newsletter, Intuitive Eating is a non-diet approach to food and health. The framework consists of 10 principles to help you examine and reevaluate your beliefs & attitudes about your body, your food, physical activity, health, and more. While practicing Intuitive Eating, individuals relearn how to eat in accordance to their natural hunger and fullness cues; food cravings; energy needs, and so on. They begin to trust their body to tell them when to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat. The Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating are: 1. Reject the Diet Mentality 2. Honor Your Hunger 3. Make Peace with Food 4. Challenge the Food Police 5. Feel Your Fullness 6. Discover the Satisfaction actor 7. Cope with Your Feelings without Using Food 8. Respect Your Body 9. Exercise to Feel the Difference 10. Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition Intuitive Eating may seem like a straightforward concept, but in a culture that heavily promotes dieting and weight loss as a path to health, happiness, and even moral virtue, it can be hard to break out of the Diet Cycle (seen below). Also known as the “Restrict-Binge Cycle”, this eating pattern is typically kicked off by some diet thought, like “I need to lose weight” or “I need to start eating better”.
January 25, 2022
Snack Break with Mary Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor at Advantage Strength
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